Wednesday, January 11, 2012

13 Weeks!

I'm not really sure how this week managed to fly by so quickly. I had planned on keeping this as a journal that I write in every day to remind me of my pregnancy psychosis. There are so many things that I never knew about. Pregnancy brain for one. My brother keeps repeating the same joke over and over and I keep laughing because I'm hearing it for the first time, every time. He says I'm worse than a stoner. Phil keeps asking me questions and I just can't for the life of me remember the answers. I also manage to say things like "Put the milk on the top shelf in the dryer", or "Baby? Can you throw my work pants in the dishwasher please?". I'm not sure if this is induced from being pregnant or the fact that I sleep in 45 minute increments every night because I keep getting up to use the restroom. The peeing thing is partially because of baby and partly due to painful bladder syndrome, more on that at another time.
The other new experience is food cravings and food aversions. Well, not so much cravings but I have aversions. Chicken, mainly, and anything green and leafy. Yep, those big beautiful salads I love taste like regurgitated ass. My idea of what regurgitated ass tastes like anyway.
Other big changes, well my boobs are still giant. But this week brought some nice relief from morning sickness. It's amazing to not feel like vomiting at the thought of breathing. I'm also now able to drink water without gagging. That was fun.
Yesterday we had our follow up dr appt. Phil hadn't had a chance to actually see the baby or hear the heartbeat yet, so he took the day off to go with me. The baby was there sleeping peacefully. We got to hear the heartbeat, 135 bpm. I looked over to Phil to see if he was tearing up like I had. Nope just grinning, and looking pretty dazed actually. We were getting the down syndrome testing done. The baby was being uncooperative so the Dr kept bouncing my stomach to wake the baby up. I kept wondering if this was going to hurt my child but I figured, "He's the Dr". The baby finally moved enough so that we were able to get the measurements. Everything looked normal. So that step of testing was done and they did the good ole finger poke (my finger still hurts 24 hours later). We also got to get some photo time. "Q" as we're calling the baby until we know sex and a name was pretty pissed off about getting woken up and refused to sit still for pictures. The little hand kept waving around the little face. Well, little except for the nose. Q has daddy's nose I can feel it! The Dr also let us know he was 98% sure of the sex. I'm not ready to disclose that information until after the next scan in 5 weeks. That way I know 100%.
So that is everything I can remember from this week. Or today. I'll try to be better about getting all this down.

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