Tuesday, April 3, 2012

25 Weeks!

It's been a minute since I last blogged. To be honest I've been so exhausted and busy that I just haven't thought about it. Today is a free day since I stayed home after experiencing some frustration for my glucose test. I hate needles. Needles and spiders are two of my biggest fears, then the odd ones like giant statues, animatronics, and the Sphinx. The nurse stuck me once, and got no blood. Tried my other arm and still got nothing. As it turns out I'm a little too dehydrated for fun pokey tests. Combine that with my mounting anxiety lately with the extreme fatigue and I fell apart. So today I opted to stay home, lie down, and focus on some Terra time. Which I have no idea what to do with.
There has been oodles of new experiences. Nicholas kicks, punches, and moves all the time. His nursery has been painted and furniture has been bought. I found out I had complete placenta previa but that has corrected itself and now baby boy is coming out the old fashioned way....gulp! My feet swell up all the time and I've realized I cannot rock cankles. They just aren't me. I also started selling Scentsy to try and make a few extra bucks in order to subsidize our income. Leaving the bank and finding new jobs created tons of relief and great feelings but came with a cost of lower pay and unpaid maternity/paternity leave. But Phil and I are both significantly happier and satisfied with our new jobs, and my stress level is low enough that I've had a completely unexciting pregnancy. The baby is normal size, weight, everything! Which is the biggest blessing I could ask for. So I trudge along and am thankful for my mom who's been helping out so much.
The only thing I really need at this point is a vacation. I'm so tired and overwhelmed that I feel if I could just get like 2 or 3 days at the beach I would come back refreshed and happy.
Only 15 Weeks left!

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