There has been oodles of new experiences. Nicholas kicks, punches, and moves all the time. His nursery has been painted and furniture has been bought. I found out I had complete placenta previa but that has corrected itself and now baby boy is coming out the old fashioned way....gulp! My feet swell up all the time and I've realized I cannot rock cankles. They just aren't me. I also started selling Scentsy to try and make a few extra bucks in order to subsidize our income. Leaving the bank and finding new jobs created tons of relief and great feelings but came with a cost of lower pay and unpaid maternity/paternity leave. But Phil and I are both significantly happier and satisfied with our new jobs, and my stress level is low enough that I've had a completely unexciting pregnancy. The baby is normal size, weight, everything! Which is the biggest blessing I could ask for. So I trudge along and am thankful for my mom who's been helping out so much.
The only thing I really need at this point is a vacation. I'm so tired and overwhelmed that I feel if I could just get like 2 or 3 days at the beach I would come back refreshed and happy.
Only 15 Weeks left!
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